By Thebestman123 - 05/08/2011 02:45 - United States

Today, my mom was screaming at me and said, "I wish I'd never adopted you." I guess I'm adopted then. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 097
You deserved it 3 238

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And that's when you yell "I WISH YOU NEVER ADOPTED ME TOO, BITCH!"


fadingfaith 4

It looks like an ice-cream cone with two cherries on top. :D Edit: This was meant for #75.

Wow, that's a harsh way to find out. Sorry that happened, OP.

kiyana_raeven 0

thats probably the worst way to find out anything

you can use this against her for the rest of your life

What a shitty way to find out. :( OP sorry you had to find it out that way

Nana_2000 4

Say mommy guess what u can kiss my ass and I'm putting ur ass in the most crappiest old people home I can find what now bitch

Whelp dont feel bad. I'm adopted and it's awesome.