By wow - 28/11/2011 01:07 - United States

Today, my mom went through my textbook and sharpied everything that could be "pornographic." It's a high-school biology textbook. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 918
You deserved it 2 071

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JinxosGirl87 0

Be careful she doesn't Sharpie out your naughty parts while you sleep. You're apparently not ready to be seeing the naked body.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Tell her to have fun paying for ruining the book.


Well, some people think reproduction is pretty disgusting

Then they shouldn't reproduce. That would save textbooks and tons of embarrassment.

Your making a human life. How is that disgusting?

Dekarian 7

87 - The world has almost 7 billion people. While not disgusting, we don't need any more right now.

Coacy 6

Ahhhh, biology doodling of that girl who sat in front of me...

"lets shelter our children from the dangers of genitalia by blocking the 'naughty parts' in this high school textbook that cost 60$" Your mom is a total moron.

theonlysweetpea 10

19, did you mean "Jew"? And if you did, what kind of keyboard are you using? You racist bastard. I don't even know how you could mix "M" and "W". Or maybe you meant "gem" which if that's the case then I apologize.

Considering "gem" would make more (sarcastic) sense than "Jew", I don't see why you're jumping the gun.

Before you go to school tomorrow leave a gay **** site on ur computer.... See what happens

theonlysweetpea 10

JEM - Just Enough Moron - Moronic enough to want to slap but not so bad as to want to kick off the planet. FYI

FYLDeep 25

I think a lot of people learn pornography every day. Most of them self-taught.

Maybe not sharpie, but I'm sure a woman that overprotective will have learnt about parental blocks over her child's internetting. OP - Tell her that she's gotta cover the cost of replacing the textbook then, and that you'll explain to the teacher that it was her (she might lie, but either way it'll need to be paid for, and she'll know damn well it was her fault). Unless of course she wants you to fail, or it is fine for her to remove you from that class altogether, otherwise you're screwed.