By Snow - 26/12/2009 21:45 - United States

Today, my mother informed me that I am not allowed to drive in snow. I live in Minnesota. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 340
You deserved it 2 956

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How old are you? If you arent an experienced driver, I agree with your mom, stay off the roads.

When you learn to spell we'll talk about stupidity.


ditzykayla 0

Same here. I live in West Virginia, and I'm sixteen. Mom won't let me drive when it's snowing...let alone when snow is on the ground....I don't really blame her, because lets just say I haven't had the best luck on the road for the nine months I've had my license.

NitemareB4Xmasx3 0

Well, driving is dangerous anyway. Not to mention all the crap u have to do to care for the car in a snowy climate.

livelaughlove782 0

join the club! that is why you get a snow mobile!!! you can go so much faster:) and if you drive with your mom enough and show her you can drive slow enough she will probably let you. and she may just be reffering to after a snow fall and the roads are not plowed or iced

Midwest winters FTW! I feel your pain. I live in North Dakota. But still, YDI for living in Minnesota :P

ydi for living here in Minnesota. it stopped snowing though and you were never told that you can't drive ON snow :P.

ImaginaryLightx 0

I live in Minnesota too ! haha.

Thank you for the one person who answerd my question without judging I'm only in 6th grade and I have ADHD so I don't listen well

dudee that suckks. doesnt it start snowing in like november up there? possibly october? and doesnt it last through like march errrr somethingg? i guess you can always ride a bikee or hitch a ridee