By Sarah - 25/08/2009 16:04 - United Kingdom

Today, my mother was cleaning out my underwear drawer and found my vibrator. Everytime I see her in the hall, she just cracks up and makes jokes about how I can't get a guy, so I have to rely on electronics. What's worse, she told my dad AND posted a status on facebook about it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 71 666
You deserved it 10 426

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FYL for having such an immature mother. o.o That's unbelievable.

Jess_Love 0

wait why was she cleaning out your underwear drawer?


she posted it on facebook and you posted it on here so now everybody knows lol

magicalrubixdude 0

buy one and plant it in her room then go and " find" it ultamate revenge >:)

SexyStevenTyler 0

Atleast you're mom's not mine. If you had my mom, she'd have smacked you,told you what a **** you are, and guilted you with how "disappointed" she was. But here's how to get your revenge: Put some anal beads in her purse and ask your grandmother to get you a Tylenol out of your mom's purse. I guarantee it'll be HILARIOUS! and great revenge.

IamMe95 5

dannnnng that SUCKS. yhur mom is creepy 0.0

KrazyLove56 4

Haha!... Sound like something my mom would do.....