By Lord Buttfuck IV - 29/08/2015 14:06 - France

Today, my mum took away my laptop and my phone and won't let me call, text, or go out with friends for one month. Why? I left the toilet seat up. I'm writing this from a public library. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 762
You deserved it 3 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom needs to let up. That's ridiculous

HairyPunisher 27

You should get back at her by putting one of those rubber poop monsters under the toilet lid. It'll pop up when she opens it. It might extend your punishment but it'll send a harsh message about the horrors of a lowered toilet seat.


Severefear 7

Who doesnt look before they sit?

my bathroom doesn't have a light and if it's night I can't see. also there's two bathrooms. one for girls and one for boys. if a guy decides to use my bathroom, then they should respect the rules. I shouldn't have to look every single time if they don't use mine often. it's my bathroom so I won't be expecting something like that. personally I'd prefer the seat up than to sit in piss because the guy has horrible aim. I have to admit I have fallen into toilets because I wasn't paying attention, but nothing is more gross than getting your brothers pee on your buttocks because he has trouble aiming. that feeling is so gross. think of it this way. it's like you're going to sit down but then someone pulls the chair out and you fall on your ass. you didn't look because you weren't expecting it. it's not exactly the same but you get my point?

If you've ever fallen into a toilet in the middle of the night or can't-hold-it-any-longer dash, then you'd understand the importance of putting the seat down. YDI.

this is like a guy complaining someone left the lid down so he pissed everywhere.

Yeah, because you're gonna piss or shit your pants in the 2 seconds it takes for you to put the seat down.

I trained my husband to always put the entire lid down (not just the seat) for sanitary reasons. YDI for spewing germs all over her toothbrush.

fun fact. those germs are all over the toothbrush and all over your house. just in low concentrations.

What kind of logic is that, 56? "There's germs everywhere anyway, so why bother taking any steps to be clean or sanitary"? No one can be 100% germ-free, but civilized people at least make an effort.

blahblah005 16
wickedhyype 17

My view of this post all depends on how many times did your mom tell you NOT to leave the toilet seat up? If it was the millionth time, she probably got pissed and said screw it, im going to make his life hell

DA3Z 16

I think the consequences are a little harsh, but you gotta drop that toilet seat man!

I feel like parents use those as excuses to take away your things :/

i grew up as the youngest of 16, and in that house, you double checked everything you touched and were about to use. so it's a two way street, it isn't entirely guys fault.

Honestly i don't know why that's a big deal, they end up washing their hands anyway