By Lord Buttfuck IV - 29/08/2015 14:06 - France

Today, my mum took away my laptop and my phone and won't let me call, text, or go out with friends for one month. Why? I left the toilet seat up. I'm writing this from a public library. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 762
You deserved it 3 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom needs to let up. That's ridiculous

HairyPunisher 27

You should get back at her by putting one of those rubber poop monsters under the toilet lid. It'll pop up when she opens it. It might extend your punishment but it'll send a harsh message about the horrors of a lowered toilet seat.


If your the only women in the household and your constantly putting down a toilet seat because the men are too lazy to close the lid which you should always do before flushing for hygienic reasons, it can get very very annoying. My DH and my son both sometimes forget to put the seat back down and with my son being 6 I call him into the bathroom and tell him he has to put the seat down before he flushes the toilet so it's cleaner and when my husband does it I just yell from the bathroom put the seat down next time. You should never flush the toilet with the seat up. It's why I keep my tooth brush in a drawer with a cover on it.

You're mums a bitch, you should very well put here in her place. Women < Men.

If your mom is treating you like a baby then be a baby. Ask her to help you with everything and drive her crazy until she realizes that she needs to relax her rules a bit.

interesting for how many of you it's normal to not sit down at home. I would have guessed that not the lid but the pee spatter around the toilet was her problem and the lid just prove op doesn't care about everyone standing in his pee is...

South park scenario.. Clyde, why did you leave the seat up?

savannahlj03 11

Well, did she tell you not to multiple times? Or perhaps you did something else to annoy her. Still, FYL OP.

Why isn't anyone talking about the username?

Remember this when you're picking out a nursing home.

instead of being at the library, you could just go home and put down the ******* toilet seat.

ViviMage 38

Our tine start war over this. Many deaths. - Jungle 2 jungle