By Lord Buttfuck IV - 29/08/2015 14:06 - France

Today, my mum took away my laptop and my phone and won't let me call, text, or go out with friends for one month. Why? I left the toilet seat up. I'm writing this from a public library. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 762
You deserved it 3 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom needs to let up. That's ridiculous

HairyPunisher 27

You should get back at her by putting one of those rubber poop monsters under the toilet lid. It'll pop up when she opens it. It might extend your punishment but it'll send a harsh message about the horrors of a lowered toilet seat.


I love how you said where you were so people wouldn't call bull on you using a computer :)

So leave the seat down. And piss all over it.

skyeyez9 24

Toilet seats left up don't bother me. What really irritates me is when a guy pees all over the toilet rim and doesn't bother to wipe it up. That is disgusting and seems like most men don't bother cleaning up after themselves. And their pubes sprinkled all over the rim.

my mom once took away power to my room for a month because I didn't brush my teeth before going to get my teeth cleaned -_- I know how you feel...

I guarantee this had nothing to do with the toilet seat. You've probably been pissing your mother off for ages about a bunch of different things and she's been warning you. The toilet seat was just the final straw.

Has anyone seen the South Park episode dealing with this issue? OP your mom could fall in and have her insides ripped out due to the suction of the flushing toilet. Grounded or Dead mom? you pick

Get off FML...if ur mom can take ur phone away and ur laptop, ur too young for the app