By Lord Buttfuck IV - 29/08/2015 14:06 - France

Today, my mum took away my laptop and my phone and won't let me call, text, or go out with friends for one month. Why? I left the toilet seat up. I'm writing this from a public library. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 762
You deserved it 3 770

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Your mom needs to let up. That's ridiculous

HairyPunisher 27

You should get back at her by putting one of those rubber poop monsters under the toilet lid. It'll pop up when she opens it. It might extend your punishment but it'll send a harsh message about the horrors of a lowered toilet seat.


Maybe you'll learn to remember this time. Your Mom has probably reminded you a multitude of times and you 'forgot." YDI for not listening to your Mom. When you get your own place, do as you wish with the toilet. Until then....

We have a real badass OP afraid

momac86 17

Well I bet you'll put it down now

Being a mum myself, I don't understand why the mother reacted the way she did. What would get me in berserker mode is when my son or husband flush without closing the lid.

shiny_shipper 28

As a woman, I really don't understand why people make such a big deal about leaving the seat up. It takes two seconds to put down?? So I don't understand why people flip out so much over having to put it down for any reason.

TomeDr 24

Because the toilet seat is disgusting and dirty. When a man puts the seat down, it's because they're finished and just before they wash their hands. When a woman has to put it down, it's before they even get started and there's a greater chance of spreading germs.

Your mom is a control freak. And a bitch. The punishment doesn't fit the "crime" here.

If guys should put it down after their done, isn't it fair that the girl puts it back up after she's done? Or am I alone in this thought?