By epistaxis - 29/01/2009 02:31 - Australia

Today, my nephew asked me how babies are made. I thought he'd had this chat with his mom, but I went in to it again. After a 20 minute 'discussion', he says "So what about the good stuff - get to the blowjobs and the lesbians." He's 11. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 723
You deserved it 3 957

Same thing different taste

Top comments

OH my god, this just made my day! What's the world coming to?

teethingtom 0

Tell your nephew I need my penthouse back


Kids are learning about all this too quick. Especially with it all over TV, the internet and the streets. Older siblings are no help too. My sister found out when she was 9 and told me.. I was 5.

Dude, what 11 year doesn't know what sex is?? lol

Biatche 0

im 10 and know all about that. i watch **** too

Lo. My 11-year old brother is disgusted by the act of masturbating.

How can you be 11 and not know? I knew by the time I was 3!

skyttlz 32

I didn't find out about sex till I was 11

wow I AM 11! I new by the time I was 7! older bros can come in handy sometimes...even if they ARE annoying as SHIT!!!

i learned about sex in sckool when i was 11. thats not bad my cousin explained 2 me when he was 11..... i was 5. but number 40 y tell every1 u watch ****?

i agree with are way more perverted these days. even though I knew quite a bit a bit when I was younger