By Anonymous - 07/02/2015 02:32 - Netherlands - Amsterdam

Today, my new boyfriend and I really wanted to have sex, but he went soft as soon as he entered me. This happens every time we try. I feel cursed by my year-long dry spell. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 865
You deserved it 4 541

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I know that feeling, was the same with my Ex. After a few weeks of trying, he finally told me he was still a virgin and scared of his first time (even though he really wanted to, I didn't pressure him or anything). A few nights later it suddenly worked =) Might be a similar problem with your bf, just don't pressure him or think it's your fault.

Of course I do. You tie it tightly between two sticks, place it gently inside a ******, sit very still and wait patiently for five minutes, and then it releases magic tadpoles when the man pees out of it into the woman's belly. Then, nine months later, the baby comes out of the woman's belly button.


I can think of a few reasons this could be happening. He might be jerking off pre-sex so as to last longer but doing it too soon before hand, or he's nervous/not comfortable which needs to be addressed before getting started, or you're not doing enough foreplay, yes, some guys need lots of foreplay in order to remain hard, or maybe erectile dysfunction, or he just may not be in to you and lastly it's possible he is in the closet about his sexuality.

There could be many reasons but I've been in his situation myself, I was always going soft when trying to enter. Itwas all in my mind, performance anxiety.. It took a very patient and wonderful woman to help me out of those thought patterns. Now we are having the best sex of our lives, so don't lose hope OP and be there for him and try to not make a big deal out of it.

Maybe he is gay and he is ashamed of it? There are people like that which hide they sexuality and try to live like they are straight despite not being able to be sexually attracted to opposite gender. Either way try oral first. If he is 18-30 years old he should be able to cum at lest twice. If nothing going to help then consider going to the doctor.

If you haven't already, try foreplay. If you've already tried it, try more. DONT GIVE UP! hope things get better :-)

Denny1988 19

maybe he is an ass man, let him try what what in your butt

P4L 8