By whattheactualfuck - 22/01/2016 12:50 - South Africa - Durban

Today, my new girlfriend's father made good on his "What you do to her I do to you" threat when he took me out for drinks and then drunkenly hit on me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 850
You deserved it 3 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I honestly saw this going a completely different and horrible direction.


This brings a whole new meaning to that threat.

Is he going to do her anything you do to him? Hmmm

MonstreBelle 29

I would hope he wouldn't take things too far and do her. Incest isn't an effective way of stopping your daughter from having sex

0to100rq 6

It must stay in the bloodline!

#scarred4lyf assuming that he became all touchy and shit. People do that when drunk

At least you should get his blessing if you decide to get married.. unless he's jealous.

TAntobella 14

Pleeeeeease OP follow up! What happened the following time you met??!!

Well if you hit her drunk, on a dinner, YDI

when did he say he hit her? He said the father hit ON him. Completely different from hitting.

damn it, i accidentally hit thumbs up on #22's comment

Oh, my lord. I so read that wrong. Someone must think you're pretty amazing then.

Same here, I was going to say YDI for hitting a woman, but then re-read it and thought WTF this is almost worse

fumanshu 9

Me too!!! I had to reread it after I saw your comment!