By poop towel - 15/09/2011 19:43 - United States

Today, my new roommate moved in. It seems that instead of using toilet paper like a normal human being, she instead opts to use the nearest towel in reach. I found this out when I went to dry off with mine after a shower. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 632
You deserved it 2 237

Same thing different taste

Top comments

enonymous 8

It adds volume and body and gives your hair definite character

SlimShady167 3

Haha what the ****? That's gross:/ Sorry OP, FYL


leadman1989 15

OP - wipes face... smells something funny... slows down wiping slowly takes towel away from face. Expression of horror and pure unadulterated rage creeps across their face. FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!

perdix 29

You mean that stuff you cover trees with is what NORMAL people use? Someone could have told me!

That's just wrong... Is this a situation where the roommate is assigned? Or can you kick her out?

lmaoatall 6

Well op I could sit here for the next twenty minutes with suggestions on how to get revenge. Instead, I'm going to share with you a few stunts I've read and found favorable on this site for moments such as this. 1. Use her razor to shave your ass hairs. 2. Use her deodetant to freshen your privates. And last, but not least 3, shit on her pillow.

Thats ******* nasty kick her ass........out

pvtgrey6289 4

...thats grounds for doing one of....*counting in head* 6 things. 1. Whoop. That. Ass. Period. 2. Cut a bitch. 3. Kick em out. 4. Wipe their face in a towel you do it to and see how they like it. 5. A combination of any of the above. 6. All of the above. Just sayin, cause that shit is pun intended.

0_o Where in the he'll is she from?! Tennessee. To soon?

Dude, who cares if it's a boy or girl? It's awful no matter what sex...