By Jen_NM - 16/12/2013 18:16 - United States - San Antonio
Jen_NM tells us more.
Thanks for all the comments, I've enjoyed reading them. Just for a little background, my biggest issue is my hair straightener. Years ago I left it unplugged and caused a burn to the countertop. Since then I obsessively check to make sure it's off, and now other things make me paranoid as well. OCD behaviors are strange, because you often know that you're being completely irrational. Anyhow, I'm really trying to ease up and lately I've managed to get by with just the one picture to reassure myself that the straightening iron is unplugged. I do plan to get help if it progresses, but can't really afford it at this time.
Top comments
Welcome to my world...
I do this daily... yikes.
I do this..
You missed one :O
OP, I also suffer from OCD and I also worried about affording treatment. I would encourage you to look into your health insurance regarding what kind of coverage you may be able to get. If you fall within certain financial parameters you may qualify for free, reduced-cost or sliding-fee care. I wouldn't recommend a self-help workbook as a solo treatment, but I used one to help me organize my thoughts and behaviors. I waited for years to get help with my OCD. When I reached my worst, I tried to avoid leaving the house because I couldn't go out in public without my compulsions driving me to bizarre behavior. Therapy saved my life, reducing my compulsions to a minor annoyance. Please, consider seeking help. You'll be grateful to yourself for it.
I fail to understand the purpose, and value, of unplugging everything. Ok, the curling iron and things of that nature, but the TV? Are you saving 4-5 cents/week? Digital clocks (re-setting)? Stove and refrigerator? Are you pulling them away from the wall to unplug them too? Doesn't the food spoil? Furnace? Where does it end?
I don't think the point is saving a few cents, it's the fear of your house burning down while you are gone... It's still a bit off though, we seem to trust the fridge, but not the tv...
I am exactly the same, but over the years I've been able to control it more. My biggest issue is with my front door, and my fear that it won't fully lock. I used to make sure it's closed at least 30 times a night before feeling somewhat okay. It felt irrational, obviously, but you can't explain that anxiety in your chest! But I slowly started doing it less, and saying out loud that it definitely is locked. That helps with me, and works for my other checks as well.
At least you're saving money. I never unplug anything >,<
I'm probably going to get thumbed down for this, but that honestly sounds worthy of treatment of some sort. What's next, pictures of your pictures to make sure those first ones are real?