By future burger flipper - 03/06/2013 19:22 - United States - Whitewater

Today, my parents blew my entire college fund in their quest to finish building their replica Hobbit house in our back yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 851
You deserved it 6 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to grab a bat and pay that Hobbit house a visit.

Your parents are awesome for building that. Sucks they had to use your college funds though!


I know it's their money, but wow OP, sorry they changed your future in order to basically build a really cool cubby house.

Your parents sound awesome. Except for blowing your funds, of course

OMG!! That's just ridiculous. Your parents should seek help!!

kiswani_anas 4

Their money, let them enjoy it!!

I commend you for your duty now God's blessing go with you.

loftyorganicelbo 6