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By future burger flipper - 03/06/2013 19:22 - United States - Whitewater

Today, my parents blew my entire college fund in their quest to finish building their replica Hobbit house in our back yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 854
You deserved it 6 322

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to grab a bat and pay that Hobbit house a visit.

Your parents are awesome for building that. Sucks they had to use your college funds though!


Wait, is this the same hobbit house mentioned on AOL news?

on the bright side now you can go an adventure!!!

and now you will be like the rest of us and have to pay for your own school :(

onorexveritas 23

bilbos house is ******* awesome

These posts always make me wonder when they say My college fund... If OP saved for it and indeed it is his money. He has a point. If his parents saved the money there is no "my fund" it's thiers to do with as they please. I had to save and pay for my own education (still paying for it actually years after finishing school) it motivated me more to pay attention and do well as I was paying for my own future.

As cool as that sounds...they shouldn't have used your college fund.

rita91 5

Well on the positive look for a job with the college/university sometimes they will pay your tuition if you keep your grades up

Gardevoir_fml 12

Rent it out and make even more money, OP.

Sure the movie is great and what not, but it's just that, a movie! know what's really awesome, a college education.

At least the money went to a noble cause. A somewhat noble cause. FYL OP, but just be glad your parents didn't spend your money on an assload of YMCMB crap, or a lifetime supply of bubble wrap.