By future burger flipper - 03/06/2013 19:22 - United States - Whitewater

Today, my parents blew my entire college fund in their quest to finish building their replica Hobbit house in our back yard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 64 851
You deserved it 6 321

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Time to grab a bat and pay that Hobbit house a visit.

Your parents are awesome for building that. Sucks they had to use your college funds though!


It's okay, you won't be needing it. You can't even spell backyard.

avapaige1234 19

Well, time to get to get ready for that interview at McDonald's!

**** our parents would probably do the same thing.

Its always so surprising when people get upset about their parents using their college fund. The idea that your parents save up their money to give to you so you can go to college and they chose to spend their money on their own thing. Maybe its a strongly American thing, because i'd never expect my parents to save up money to give to me.

Wow I still cannot get over the fact that people think kids shouldn't expect their parents to pay for their education or parents shouldn't spend "their" money on them. I guess that people who think like that are planning to pay their parents back for all the food, clothes and rent they didn't pay while growing up? When someone decides to have a child, it is their responsibility to give them all the help possible so they can have a good start in life. Education is part of it. If parents can afford to help their kids, taken into account that the kids are not lazy ad won't just be messing around, they should. My parents paid for my education and I didn't turn into some lazy helpless slob. I was not raised to think that I was entitled anything and that life was easy. When I was living alone while studying, I could look after myself with no problem and was not relying on anyone to do the cooking, washing, etc. Once I graduated, I moved abroad by myself, got a job and was fully independent from my first paycheck. I intend to give the same help to my future kids if I can afford it. I don't want to see them struggling or failing because they have to waste their time on a lame part-time job.

Us New Zealanders are sorry for your loss ;)

To all those people saying OP shouldn't expect parents to pay if OP had a college fund that was meant for school not a damn hobbit house College is more important than a damn Hobbit house

you should demand them to pay for your college

i wanna come see it! i would love to have one.

While it is correct that OP should not expect his/her parents to pay for education it is still a colossal dick move on the parents part to use money that was earlier set aside for their child's education and build a hobbit house....