By Crippled - 27/12/2009 05:35 - United States

Today, my parents bought me an alarm clock that runs away from you while beeping obnoxiously when you hit snooze. I just had ankle surgery and am unable to walk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 661
You deserved it 2 893

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Dont_Explain 3

Better yet, put it up on a high ledge. "Run ******, run."


OP, you're a whiner. That thing is AWESOME!!

okay, here's what you do - DON'T ******* USE IT you're welcome

Don't ******* use it! Use it when your ankle heals. Honestly, you are a *******, whining, ****-ass retard. Scratch that, you couldn't get your ass ****** with your ****** up whining! You ******* retard...

Skull_300 0

Get your Lazy Ass the **** up!!!

It's the holidays that shows how much people love each other.

"Want him to stay put? Clocky has a 'disable wheels' button" maybe use this next time...

stella23 0

Why are people being such assholes to the OP "Don't ******* use it""Dont hit snooze FUCKTARD" SHUT THE **** UP! Maybe this is the only option she has to wake her up! Obviously the first time this happened was an FML, nothing wrong with that. It's a shame you people are too miserable in your own lives to give some helpful advice and not make yourselves sound like complete and total dickheads.

Hah. I agree with 53. Even if it were her 'only way to wake up' and she felt utterly compelled to hit the snooze (when she could just get up with the first ring and it wouldn't roll away from her), she could always surround the thing with books or something to keep it still. Still a bummer she ha a messed up ankle, I guess, but it's reasonable to say that she has many more options when it comes to this clock.

aww!! that clock is awesome! I'd love to have one, but FYL for not being able to turn it off! at least until you get better