By merse - 18/02/2010 13:20 - United States

Today, my parents decided they won't pay for college because of a Fox News story that said higher education "makes you liberal." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 016
You deserved it 3 162

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Going to college doesn't make you liberal, it makes you smarter and more prepared in the world. Your parents are really ignorant

Fox are idiots, they just implied that Liberal people are highly educated. They're right for once; their right wing nazi-fest is for retards.


big ******* deal. quit your bitching and start applying for financial aid.

I hate Obama more than any other united states person!

mn_mpls 0

tell them that fox news said that if you move away from the south that you will instantly become a billionaire. small steps

Well if it was on tv it must be true! Geez, Fox news even said so! hahaha I would be emberrassed to even say that my parents watched Fox news. Good luck kid!

You hate Obama more than you hate any other person, or you hate Obama more than any other person hates him?

Gee, big surprise: Fox News embraces ignorance.

xundria 5

I wish I were fortunate enough to have rich enough parents that handed everything to me on a silver platter so much that I whined about them not paying my college. I have to do things such as work 40 hours a week while going to college, and had to apply for grants and loans. Quit being such a spoiled brat and do something for yourself for a change. Trust me, it'll make you a better person. I say YDI for expecting everything on a silver platter.

And you completely missed the point of this FML. Good going. The FML isn't that the OP's parents won't pay for college. It's that they're idiots who readily slurp up anything the media spits at them. There's a huge difference between "we won't pay for your higher education because we can't (or are not willing to) afford it" and "we won't pay for your higher education because Fox News says education makes you liberal (and that's obviously BAD BAD BAD)".

xundria 5

I know that was the point of the FML; however, he's obviously whining because they won't pay for it as well. Yes fhl for having ignorant parents, but he should man up and pay for his own education so it's not a repeated cycle with his kids.

spaceydude 0

what's wrong with van jones being a communist? conservatives forced him to retire because he was constantly under fire for being a communist which is supposedly s bad thing ( but realy isn't at all)

...did you seriously just say that you become dumber when you accumulate more info? Pray tell me why college grads make twice as much as non-college grads. and why lawyers and doctors are required to go to grad school.

Watch NPR and the goddamn BBC you idiot. If those are to high brow for you (i.e. Never have celebrity news or sports)...CNN is close enough to the middle.

vagmaster88 0

you brag that you applied for grants while condemning the OP for using his parents money. That seems a bit hypocritical.

olw25 0

Fox news is crap and ur parents are retards. they must want u to have a barn yard education like them. however fox news is right for once u gave to b uneducated to buy into that conservative bs. let me guess the jury is still out on global warming.

Global warming? YOU IDIOT YOU WANT SOME OF OUR 3 FOOT OF SNOW!!!! which is a record that hasn't been broke for over 100 years....Global warming my ass...

jc420 0

yeah, except it's not "global warming" it's "climate change" right? which would include radically different weather patterns, idiot.

xmagster 0

uh... Periods of cold weather don't comflict with the global warming theory... I'm not necessarily arguing for or against global warming, but seriously, get your facts before you are critical of others beliefs... facts are straight...the climate is not and has not changed in 160 years...and it was renamed climate change by Obamy to get more support Al Gore still yells global warming. Ever hear of the Vostok Ice cores by the way? They showed that CO2 has no affect what-so-ever on temperature, where temperature did seem to have a very minute affect on the CO2....Al Gore used this for some of his early research...only he presented that information backwards and then got rich off of it....There is no climate change, it is called rotational shift and that means that the Earth is constantly wobbling on it's axis causing weather patterns to shift by small amounts every so often.

How do you explain the severe reduction of polar ice caps and glaciers? Or the uncharacteristic droughts? Or how about the dramatic increase in the frequency of extreme weather events like hurricanes? Or the fact that the hole in the ozone layer has just about fried one of the largest populations of green algae and microwaved the Great Barrier Reef? Just because you don't notice it in your neighborhood doesn't mean it isn't happening. Pull your head out of your ass will you?

Actually, the holes in the ozone layer are natural, not man-made.

The one over Australia that is getting close to the size of Australia is a result of human and bovine activities.

tb15 0

It's cold now, so global warming isn't real it's dark now, so daytime isn't real

So which asshole said it? O'Reilly? Hannity? Beck? Haha. Why am I not suprised by this FML.

guess I put you in the asshole category too then...research what they say before you dis them....

I will when you learn proper grammar and learn how to spell "diss."

Why? They're all insane. Then again, everyone in American Media is.

jamese1207 0

where did you get that statistic??? because that is not AT ALL accurate. don't make facts up to support your point.

Wow... And you think that's bad. My WHOLE FAMILY watches Fox news. In fact, just a few days ago my dad yelled at me for closing a webpage when he walked by, saying how your stuff goes in to "computeral world" ******* bullshit.