By ShandiPandiDerp - 20/05/2016 12:12 - United States

Today, my phone charger caught fire. I was thankful to be there to witness it. I was not thankful for having been holding it while this happened, as my shirt caught on fire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 779
You deserved it 1 132

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I charge my phone next to my bed at night, but it's okay; I don't need to sleep anymore anyway.

How does that apply? There wasn't any pursuit of gains here.


I heard that this is common for people who buy generic chargers at Walgreens or CVS or something it's best to buy a charger at BestBuy or the actual service provider store.

And that is why you don't buy apple products.

I may not be a fan of apple, but I have never heard of an iphone or iphone charger catching on fire.

Am no racist but that's what happens when you buy a Chinese phone.

HorrorJr 26

How did your charger even... Like? What happened we need answers pal

Stay in school. Your grammar is terrible.

Go to school. Your manners are terrible.

Caught. Your shirt caught on fire. All that aside though, it's good that you were there and that it (hopefully) didn't cause any damage beyond your shirt.

This happened to me while charging my phone it burnt my foot & my phone didn't work after that.

Weird, last night my charger decided that instead of charging my phone it would melt instead. Luckily it was right next to the bed, so when I noticed what was going on I was able to unplug it before it caught fire. Reading all these similar stories I'm starting to think that the machines are beginning to rise up...