By fuckmeitsgettingworse - 24/02/2014 19:36 - United Kingdom - Derby

Today, my pregnant wife's parents called me at work, saying she'd been crying inconsolably and wouldn't say what was wrong. After pleading with my boss, I rushed home. Turns out there was an "ugly" sofa in a TV ad and she felt it was "picking on ugly sofas". FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 489
You deserved it 4 641

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kitcatjb 12

...before calling it "ugly" maybe she should think about the couch's feelings.

Hormones of pregnant women: A formidable source of FMLs since the beginning of FML!


Just think, after the baby is born you can recover from the preggy hormones with some fun post-partum depression! Yay!

tehdarkness 21

Sounds like her parents may have been overreacting...

Is this both yours first child? Maybe she's not used to the hormones

Women's emotions are extremely abnormal while they're pregnant, so just prepare yourself

frizz101 22

OP she probably didn't call you because she knew she was being irrational, I know pregnancy hormones can be awful, but her parents should have tried to figure out what was wrong before calling you. It sucks but you'll all get through it and you'll have some funny memories in the future.

ohmageezers 5

at least it wasn't YOUR couch. it'd be a lot worse if it was one you just bought and she decided to hate it.

Actually there is significant evidence to suggest that women often overreact during pregnancy due to the common belief that their hormones will make them act that way. Not to say that the hormonal changes don't play a large part, but that social expectations do tend to skew their normal reactions.

10showgirl 16

I never acted that way while pregnant. The hormones don't change THAT much. It just makes you sadder for things that you would normally be sad about.

frizz101 22

I didn't act any different from before I was pregnant, but everyone is different and everyone's hormones affect people in different ways. Some women are almost psychotic when pregnant and some are laid back and a whole host in between. And women will be different through different pregnancies. Any societal impact will be negligible at best.