By burned - 04/11/2009 10:12 - United States

Today, my roommate decided to fry some bacon. After finishing, he thought it would be easy to clean up if he just tossed the panful of grease out the second story window. Guess where I was standing at the time? FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 147
You deserved it 2 557

Same thing different taste

Top comments

plutosaplanet 0

oh pick me pick me!! you were standing in line at the grocery store?!?!

Nooooooooo! Lmfao! He only threw out the grease. Duh! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!! Man I swear ppl's dumb comments are the only thing funny about this website.


mendel_fml 0

Illustration (and inspiration?) is here:

LOL... OP, ohhhh shiiiiit. That must've been real hot, sucks to be you. FYL

hold on I got this. you were the door watching him throw the pan out the window?

Go grease lightning.. go grease lightning..

Skull_300 0

Your Roomate's FML: My parents wouldn't pay for my bus pass, so I quit school and got a roommate. Today, after cooking some bacon I cleaned up by throwing a panful of grease out my second story window. Next thing I know, my crazy roommate came running through our apartment screaming and carrying on. I could not understand what that Crazy Mother ****** was going on about. He kept jumping up and down screaming uncontrollably. I called the authorities and had him committed.

He just threw it out the window? What kind of ******* hillbilly do you live with? Does he throw garbage out of the windows too? Maybe you better check where he goes to the bathroom... Seriously though, smack the ****** with his own pan. Hard. Then tell that genetic dead end to move the **** back to whatever shithole he crawled out of. Man... I know you're yanks, but still... you are technically a civilized nation, at least learn how to fake it. That ****-up should do his part by becoming an hero. And since I just can't resist it:

swimdiva 0

FAKE! like really? you were standing right there while ur roomate threw grease out the window? and he didn't check to see if anyone was there... and he dumped it right on u? does that not seem like waaay too much of a coincidence??

If the roommate is stupid enough to toss hot grease out of the window, it's not too hard to believe that he's also stupid enough to not check first. Even if it is fake, does it really matter? It's funny. Do yourself a favor, take the FML for what it is, and laugh about it. If you don't think it's funny, don't waste twenty seconds commenting on it. :]

swimdiva 0

fyi, you wasted 20 seconds commenting on my comment soo... like... shut up thanks :)

YDI. Get your lazy American ass inside on the couch where it belongs.