By powsser - 11/03/2009 13:38 - United States

Today, my roommate got mad at me for putting away the tampons that were sitting on her desk. She rebelled by hanging hundreds of tampons dyed red from every surface in our dorm room. I discovered this while giving my mom her first tour of the place. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 413
You deserved it 5 713

Same thing different taste

Top comments

that's not only weird, but also a waste of money

troyboyd05 0

Maybe OP was putting the tampons away because her mom was coming to visit? You seem like a feminist, oh and the "girls use tampons... get over it" part, OP is a girl I think she would know girls use tampons.


The fact that she'd put that much time and effort into that is hilarious. I had a crazy roommate like that in college. Just be careful if you move rooms that you don't trade one psycho for another like I did.

EpicFail33 0

umm your roommate sounds like a bitch but then again why did you touch her stuff but that's still really stupid what she did

what a stupid bitch. there are better pranks that don't waste money and tampons.

carnieofvenice 0

why does it matter it was her roommates money/tampons that SHE decided to waste and its kinda funny...if its even real

THAT'S a reasonable reaction to having something be put away. [/sarcasm]

What does it matter that she moved the tampons. For all we know it was glaringly obvious on the center of their desks and she wanted the room looking neater. How disrespectful for her to trash your room like that.

fcuk_mylife 0

punch that bitch in her face.

Maybe next time tell her, "Hey my mom's coming over, can we put away anything she might deem awkward"? That way it doesn't sound like you are judging, but your mom is. It is very awkward to have boys over when your roommate has nasty stuff like that out.

spongebobrocks 0

... Wow. Drama. So what if you put them away? It's not like the world is ending. Jeez.

Wow, she is overracting...not a huge deal, she must be very overdramatic....