By SpiderFather - 02/07/2013 08:01 - France

Today, my seven-year-old son put a spider in the microwave. Animal cruelty? No. The goal was to irradiate it, then get it to bite him so that he would become Spider-Man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 475
You deserved it 46

Top comments

lhazz11 23
Nolimit2217 32


this is the type of kids I want yo have, not afraid of spiders and creative as hell.

This kid is a genius, too bad I didn't think about that as a kid. As for the spider, **** her i hate spiders.

graceinsheepwear 33

Who said the spider was a her?

Perfect, 7 year old logic and creativity at its finest. I tip my hat to your son

You're son is going to do great things in life.

That is pretty funny, although dangerous. I give your kid a high 5 for creativity.

Yeah totally not gonna try that after reading this...