By SpiderFather - 02/07/2013 08:01 - France

Today, my seven-year-old son put a spider in the microwave. Animal cruelty? No. The goal was to irradiate it, then get it to bite him so that he would become Spider-Man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 473
You deserved it 45

Top comments

lhazz11 23
Nolimit2217 32


Why didn't I think of that when I wus a kid!?!?

It is disgusting to see all you people approving of this. Its just a spider, it is not "funny and cute." I hope none of you were serious about finding a spider to microwave.

Now imagine what he would think of later in life, freakin genius! Just make sure he stays on the good side because I don't think the police can handle mutant spider people just yet

Give that kid a medal. I would be proud :)

Well, when all the other comic book plots are taken, you have to get creative.

For a seven year old, that's actually kind of genius...

Oh my god the illustration is so cute and awesome!

And they say that education is lacking nowadays.