By SpiderFather - 02/07/2013 08:01 - France

Today, my seven-year-old son put a spider in the microwave. Animal cruelty? No. The goal was to irradiate it, then get it to bite him so that he would become Spider-Man. FML
I agree, your life sucks 473
You deserved it 45

Top comments

lhazz11 23
Nolimit2217 32


ChuckSwayze 4

Hmm....seems legit *rubs chin*

**spider-man tune** "Spider-man, Spider-man, does what ever a Spider-man can" The kids got imagination!! lucky he didn't want to be Spider-pig off the Simpsons movie. haha

He's awesome!! Sorry for the spider tho....

ghil_fml 7

I would definitely try that hope it works lol

MrZsDad 19

You deserve it. You are at least parenting right and he is allowed to be 7. **** Your Life, because I don't think you realized this.

Sick_Nature 11

Wonder if I can find a phoenix and pair it with a fruit will I get Marcos devil's fruit power from One Piece worths a try.