By Estee1024 - 24/01/2014 05:28 - United States - San Luis Obispo
Same thing different taste
By DanTheMan - 21/10/2014 02:29
By my ears are dying - 22/06/2011 18:37 - United States
By unfortunateMother - 18/09/2012 19:51 - United Kingdom - Swindon
By nonbelieber - 26/11/2012 00:55 - United States - Keenesburg
Show some empathy
By Anonymous - 05/02/2023 14:00 - United States - Eagle Mountain
By "Noelle Diane Irwin" - 21/02/2019 16:00
By NonBelieber - 18/09/2013 04:22 - United States - Bessemer
Classic stereotype?
By Anonymous - 25/04/2013 20:36 - United States - Montgomery Village
By 464424 - 05/05/2012 06:24 - United States - Dayton
Strong bond
By you’re still a bad mom! - 14/02/2022 00:01
Top comments
Why is this an FML? It's horrible that he got arrested!
So done with JB... Makes me sick just looking at what he is now. Miss when he was just famous on YouTube.
you would think after paul walker died driving too fast when the driver was sober, he would realise that doing it drunk and on drugs is not very smart....
R.I.P Paul walker
I will never understand the fans who worship him even after all the bullshit he's pulled. I used to feel bad for the kid back when everyone kept bullying him because let's be honest, he isn't much worse than most of the mainstream garbage you hear these days and a lot of the jokes were uncalled for. But as he's continued on his downward spiral of douchebaggery I think that we can all agree that this boy is out of control and it's difficult to feel even a little bit of sympathy towards him.
And I suppose that R Kelly likes to piss on 14 year old girls yet he still has fans...
The difference is that MJ and Elvis were actually good musicians, who didn't need auto tune to still end up sounding like whiny 13 year old girl, who think that their "bf" was the most important thing in the world. The quality of the music is what matters.
Bieber CAN sing. Autotune sucks though but the guy has talent. Talent should not excuse your actions though.
Fame has made him a brat.
We need to capture him where ever he is and ship him off earth to the sun.
Send her to Canada!!
Yeah but what about those innocent snakes and camels?
Why do people cry over him? He's purposefully ruining his name for himself, plus he looks like Miley Cyrus....
im sad for him , I'm a belieber but I know he's going poorly finish...
How old is she
"But it's not his fault! He accidentally took drugs and drank alcohol, then he was forced to race!" -Every other Justin Bieber fan right now.
Give him back to Canada.