By T4K3R5 - 06/07/2009 08:11 - United States
T4K3R5 tells us more.
Okay im just going to say this now so everyone will get this. I have my OWN bank account that no one has access too accept me. I opened it when i was like 16 and got my first job. I saved the $4000 in a separate account that was in my moms name before i was 16, which i got just from mowing lawns and stuff. So Everyone stop saying "Well your dumb, that's your fault for letting your mom have access to your account". Also im not going to get into details, but it wasn't really my sisters fault, so i don't blame her. My sister and my mom have helped me out with a lot of things too.
Top comments
If my mom tried this I would have told her that my sister can walk her stupid ass where ever she needs to go and that my money is my money and no one else's.
Wow, that really is bad luck, no one could have seen it coming. Try to think it's nobody's fault, it was the circumstances. I hope your mom gets a new job soon and everything gets back to normal.
Winds like a very long day
YDI. Why did you give your mother access to your account? And for those of you saying she might be under 18, I had my own bank account when I was 17 and nobody else could do a thing with it. You have to have your parent/guardian there when you open it, but other than that, it's all yours.
YDI for letting your mother take money out for your sister. I say you should've told her to stop taking care of your sister and let her pay for it herself.
Wow, that sucks. For a car? I'd allow that for medical reasons or something, but she got the car repo'd because she was being irresponsible. You shouldn't need to pay out because you sister is an idiot.
4 millions ? O.O' daaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaa aaaaa *takes another breath* aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aamn ...
I know its a hard truth but you can't trust anyone with money Not even family. Because they will take advantage of you because they know you, and you them.
Always get it in writing.
dude, it is not his responsibility to pay for his sister's car. and it's awful that his mother took out his HARD EARNED money for the sister. sounds like OP didn't even get much of a say. that he had savings doesn't mean that he had "money to spare". what if he was saving for his own car?