By Noname - 23/02/2009 04:50 - United States

Today, my sister had a friend over and I had just gotten out of the shower. I wrapped something around me and walked across the living room. When I walked through, they both started laughing hysterically. Turns out I'd grabbed a poncho and the hole for the head ended up right over my crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 296
You deserved it 41 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You see, I usually take a towel with me to the shower.. :p

Dr_Phil 0

Why didn't you use a towel after you got out of the shower? I don't understand. This sounds like BS.


Holy **** people. The picture in the top left of the FML shows the OP's gender.

so.. did a poncho magically appear in your washroom for you to mistake it as a towel??

Maybe the towel was too small for the OP? But seriously, a poncho?

I call bullshit. How can you confuse a poncho for a towel?!

randybryant799 20

You wrapped something around you? You had no towel??