By Noname - 23/02/2009 04:50 - United States

Today, my sister had a friend over and I had just gotten out of the shower. I wrapped something around me and walked across the living room. When I walked through, they both started laughing hysterically. Turns out I'd grabbed a poncho and the hole for the head ended up right over my crotch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 296
You deserved it 41 803

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You see, I usually take a towel with me to the shower.. :p

Dr_Phil 0

Why didn't you use a towel after you got out of the shower? I don't understand. This sounds like BS.


That's where you smile and say hello!

TheBoss47_fml 3

That's why I always bring banks in the before I shower

are you people ******* stupid. The label at the top clearly states she is a girl. Goddam I hope you don't breed

southerngalslove 15

wow.. even if its bs.. it says its a girl. last I checked gals don't have dicks. smh.

darebear331 4

I didnt know that this many people couldnt read. ITS A F*CKING GIRL!!

uhhhh.....guys I think the little sign at the top says she's not a he. =p

People look in the corner! The OP is a girl:)