By Anonymous - 18/12/2015 03:25 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, my sister shaved a chunk of my hair off while I was sleeping. I'm getting married in three days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 357
You deserved it 1 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd be extra alert if I were you, OP. She might be brewing herself a Polyjuice potion, and who knows what she'll on your wedding day. Try not to eat any floating cupcakes.

Would that be something borrowed or something new?


mttr36 17
moocowmilk0 19

get back at her and rub icy hot on her pads

corky1992 33

How old is your sister? That sounds like a pretty childish thing to do. I would be furious. Hopefully you can still find a way to make your hair look awesome for your wedding.

Depending on how much she took off and where it's located a good stylist may be able to cover it for you. The biggest question here is why the hell did she do it?

Astrobomb 21

I hope you shaved her entire hair, her eyebrows and that rubbed that bitches toothbrush in the toilet.

batmanfredi 13

That's just terrible.. Sincerely sorry, I know it's supposed to be the perfect day but you'll figure something out :(

Strap that bitch down and shave her bald.

Aw that sucks, but congratulations op!