By Anonymous - 18/12/2015 03:25 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, my sister shaved a chunk of my hair off while I was sleeping. I'm getting married in three days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 357
You deserved it 1 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd be extra alert if I were you, OP. She might be brewing herself a Polyjuice potion, and who knows what she'll on your wedding day. Try not to eat any floating cupcakes.

Would that be something borrowed or something new?


Make her pay for the hours of hairdresser consultation you'll want to come up with an alternate style, as well as the actual styling and any new accessories you'll need. Then shave her head right before prom. BTW, never sleep under the same roof as her again.

This reminds me of How I Met Your Mother

Cut a big section of her hair while she's sleeping, fighting fire with fire sometimes is necessary.

TabooSushi 24

Emergency hair appointment for some extensions to hopefully cover up that spot, maybe? Good luck, OP, that's one rotten sister you have.

DanielleD93 16

You could try an undo that hides the bald spot. It's worth a shot.

Just play this trick along with help from your family n friends. Tell everybody to tell your sister is fat on her face. She wont even attend the wedding.

Hey OP - you're from my state. How did the wedding turn out. I hope your hair wasn't too bad. Good luck with the marriage

I'm sorry but she'd get laid out. I'm one of seven kids. None of us get along. And STILL none of us would DREAM of doing something like this to each other.