By Anonymous - 18/12/2015 03:25 - Australia - Adelaide

Today, my sister shaved a chunk of my hair off while I was sleeping. I'm getting married in three days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 357
You deserved it 1 603

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd be extra alert if I were you, OP. She might be brewing herself a Polyjuice potion, and who knows what she'll on your wedding day. Try not to eat any floating cupcakes.

Would that be something borrowed or something new?


Put Nair in her shampoo bottle, you don't mess with the bride days before her wedding

ourtneyc 14
Theater_Chef_3 30

Extensions are a god send in cases like this

Time to see if he will love you for better or worse then. But why did she do that? You demote her from the maid of honor?

I couldn't even think how pissed Id be. For me, pranks go too far with actually cutting hair. And that's without an event like a wedding soon after. Anyone doing that would probably be out of my life or making it up to me for a long time.

TAntobella 14

Cut her hair too. That's the only way she will understand what she has done. Even if she was pissed at you for whatever reason, that was a childish and ****** up way to act.

That's terrible. Not a good sister at all.