By ouch - 16/09/2011 05:21 - United States

Today, my sister told me that she read that the pain of giving birth is equal to the pain of breaking 20 bones at once. I'm 19 weeks pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 292
You deserved it 5 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SlyTail 5

Well, there's no turning back now.

Just take the drugs when they offer them, the epidural may hurt at first but it's so worth it


ICaughtFire 4

I would love to know what the hell an epidrole is... :)

obviously you're stupid because my best friend waa able to have an abortion after 14 weeks and it was perfectly legal.

ICaughtFire 4

Please show me where OP mentioned wanting/being unable to get an abortion... Become a better reader before calling someone stupid next time.

lidemocr 0

Geez it's not that bad. Just don't be too proud to get the drugs straight away. I can honestly say that I have experienced much more painful things than childbirth. That was mean of your sister though. :(

how reassuring :D don't worry Hun, you'll be fine x

that's not true! everyone knows the pain is like breaking only 19 bones at once. 20 is a total exaggeration.

i heard you also shit yourself and your ****** tears... :/ enjoy

Not always some do some tear from the V to the A but some don't

ItsApril 0

Some tear upwards as well. A good doctor will cut you if given enough time before the ripping starts.

Killerturtle 11

don't be so naive, everyone's labour and pain threshold is different and there is nothing more empowering than giving birth with the power of your body. pain is a good sign in labour anyway

xlibra259x 0

nice sister.. but wth does she know, has she had a baby? don't listen to her! d