By ouch - 16/09/2011 05:21 - United States

Today, my sister told me that she read that the pain of giving birth is equal to the pain of breaking 20 bones at once. I'm 19 weeks pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 292
You deserved it 5 901

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SlyTail 5

Well, there's no turning back now.

Just take the drugs when they offer them, the epidural may hurt at first but it's so worth it


betska 1

All the pain is worth it for your baby :)

Bones get better in six weeks. With pregnancy the pain only stops after 18 years.

I think it's relative in that most women have never felt actual pain before

It's called drugs... they help you know! Plus wouldn't you be asking these questions to your doc by now?

darth1 18

Women exaggerate. Your body builds up plenty of chemicals to make you feel better during the birth. Also I'm the sure the doctors will help you out.

I've always imagined it must feel like ******** a basketball, but I could be wrong...

cam1989 0

Coming from a mom, it is SO not that bad. Your sister, if I may speak frankly, is an idiot. It's more like period cramps x 5, and once you have an epidural, you feel nothing. Literally. The nurses won't even let you walk around after you've gotten it, for fear that you might fall due to numbness in your lower extremities. For me, I had to have two epidurals and a spinal tap, but that is because I found out as a child that I have a high drug tolerance (I throw off drugs fairly quickly. A spinal tap lasts a bit over an hour, I threw it off in 30 minutes) But it was only bad after about 7 hours. I was in labor for 14 hours and didn't get the epidural until hour 8. My best friend however, has a normal drug tolerance, (like the majority or the population) and she fell asleep after her epidural. She was in labor for 18 hours, and slept for 10 of it after the epi. You'll be fine. :) And once you have the baby, it's all worth it.

What a biatch! The -worst- thing you can do is flip out. Tension and nerves make it WAY worse. As long as you've got some relaxation methods, you'll be fine. Epidurals are amazing, to :o)

That's an awful thing to say! It's true...but awful.

lrw87 22

I've had two beautiful baby boys in the last two years. Of course it hurts, but nothing compared to breaking a bone. Your sister is a total bitch and is just jealous of you. Don't listen to her. Giving birth is wonderful and you will be so happy when you have your baby in your arms. Congrats on the baby!