By Anonymous - 11/07/2016 07:58 - Bulgaria - Sofia
Same thing different taste
Grow up
By Anonymous - 27/07/2021 07:02
By oldmama728 - 28/04/2011 11:07
By Anonymous - 06/01/2010 18:19 - United States
By JT - 12/04/2011 14:19 - Canada
By fuckmylife - 02/02/2010 20:30 - United States
By thatguy - 26/12/2009 23:46 - United States
Family matters
By Anonymous - 22/06/2023 06:00
He got game
By Anonymous - 10/04/2021 17:00
Gamers rise up
By Anonymous - 30/04/2021 06:01 - Brazil - Joinville
By Stressed Mother - 18/03/2015 21:26 - United States - Piscataway
Top comments
Does it matter for what reason he's getting a job? Be proud he took the responsiblity to buy his own shit.
To an extent yes, if he attended university or college and payed nothing relying only on his parents and is now not paying them back then it sure does matter. By 24 you could be looking at an apartment, new car etc. It does matter, he's an adult.
If he's still mooching off of his parents, then yeah it matters.
Keep in mind that he didnt just wake up one day and decide to like video games. This is a learnt behaviour from his childhood by the people who raised him.
So what if he likes video games? Hats not a reason not to get a job. I'd guess that at least half of employed 24 year olds play video games at least a couple times a week.
Yes, it matters. He could get off his ass to pay board, or even get his own place, but he'll do so to upgrade his PC and pay for video games. At 24, that makes him a moocher.
When you get a job you earn money so you can buy things you need and want. Apparently he's only buying things he wants but it's also his money to do with as he please. Give him a little push and hopefully that'll make him save his money for what he needs.
Yeah, a push out the door to go get his own place to live. He's 24...
I think you're missing the point, hes 24 and unemployed so he's depending on his dad even though he has the ability to work. And when he decided to work hes working for a limited time to pay off unimportant stuff that wont help his dad with living. Thats the fml
He's only buying things he wants because he doesn't need to buy things he needs as they are already bought for him.
Exactly 62. If OP is enabling the behavior things won't improve. I'd still be home if my mom was just paying for everything and not handing out ultimatums. No rent, free groceries, zero bills, without complaints....yep, I would take that stress-free deal.
They say 'If you love your job you'll never work a day in your life' and 'Dress for the job you want, not the one you have' and 'Good things come to those who wait'. They are wrong.
How is this relevant to the FML?
It's actually a good thing that he is taking initiative of his things and getting what he wants. It shows a real level of maturity on his part. Besides, Overwatch is a great game.
Maturity, at twenty-freaking-four, would be supporting yourself.
Nothing says he's not, I supported myself without a "job" from 12-21 when I got a job. I've bought many games over the years and I still rake in 6-7 figures depending on the year.
I literally did the same thing as this guy, because yes, overwatch is a great game
At least he chose to work instead of pretending to be a mermaid.
I get the reference lol
Lots of fmls recently about lazy kids mooching off their parents. That is my number one fear. That's why as soon as I can stand on my own two feet I'm going to be doing just that. The thought of living with either of my parents when I'm 30 haunts me.
I'm almost 24 and I still live with my parents. I can't afford to live on my own as I have no job and I still have to finish my study before getting a real job. My brother is 21 and he's already moved out. Some of us are fortunate and some are not. That's life.
It's not as easy as it sounds. I'm about to be 21 and I just graduated from college. I'm still living with my parents and I'm going to do so while I'm in grad school. Living with parents sounds bad but it's 2016 and the cost of living is terrible. Living with my parents is more cost efficient than taking out MORE student loans. 40 year olds living in their parents basement doing nothing but playing on the computer have given it a bad rep but there is seriously nothing wrong with it. I have a job, I pay my car insurance and car payment every month, and my own gas and things I want like clothes, going out, etc. It's not bad but everyone is different. Good luck when you get older. It's hard.
There is nothing wrong with living in your parents house as a young adult. Not every fresh out of university adult can handle the cost of living alone, sometimes even in a shared apartment.
I think you guys misunderstood me. I'm 21 years old and just graduated college and I'm on the terrifying journey that is job hunting. I get it. I just mean that as soon as I'm good, I'm out. Because I don't want to be the kind of kid whose parents post an fml about them because they're so lazy they can't even look for a job.
Girl I completely understand! I had a huge fear of being in my late 20s/early 30s living with my parents because that's what most of my siblings did. Luckily I took initiative & moved out 2 weeks after I turned 18. 1 year later here I am still doing fine. It's hard work but it's well well worth it!
I am 22 and I live on my own, but I didn't move out till last year. Don't be in such a rush to get out of your parents house the real world is much more expensive then one might realize. Be thankful for what your parents provide for you, one day you won't have the luxury.
My brother is the same, he has a good job & makes some nice cash, but houses here are just not worth it. You'll either go broke or pay them when you're 80 years old
I moved out early when I was a teen. I ****** up and ended up right back where I started. I'm now 23. One if the best things you can do is make the most of the time you have at home to ensure you set yourself up to be in a good position when you do leave to make sure you don't end up back.
it's all about priorities
Kick him out

When you get a job you earn money so you can buy things you need and want. Apparently he's only buying things he wants but it's also his money to do with as he please. Give him a little push and hopefully that'll make him save his money for what he needs.
Does it matter for what reason he's getting a job? Be proud he took the responsiblity to buy his own shit.