By Anonymous - 11/07/2016 07:58 - Bulgaria - Sofia

Today, my son finally got a job for the first time in his life. He only did it so he can upgrade his PC and buy Overwatch. He's 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 370
You deserved it 3 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dietcoke09 25

When you get a job you earn money so you can buy things you need and want. Apparently he's only buying things he wants but it's also his money to do with as he please. Give him a little push and hopefully that'll make him save his money for what he needs.

Does it matter for what reason he's getting a job? Be proud he took the responsiblity to buy his own shit.


Well to be fair, Overwatch is an incredible game.

Superbaker123 14

It shouldn't matter what he wants to do with the money, be happy he got a job OP.

I bet you're one of those people who think that video games are for kids.

greydawg20 5

Or OP is just a regular parent who is tired of their 24 year old man baby mooching off of them.

Goblin182 26

Did he come in late because there was a pokemon gym across the street? He seems like the type of guy

Maybe it's time to push him such as asking for rent or telling him he needs to start looking for his own place to live.

If he's 24 and you are still buying buying everything for him, sorry but you created this situation.

YDI. You've raised a loser and you've created this situation.

Give that man a raise immediately!