By Anonymous - 11/07/2016 07:58 - Bulgaria - Sofia

Today, my son finally got a job for the first time in his life. He only did it so he can upgrade his PC and buy Overwatch. He's 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 370
You deserved it 3 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dietcoke09 25

When you get a job you earn money so you can buy things you need and want. Apparently he's only buying things he wants but it's also his money to do with as he please. Give him a little push and hopefully that'll make him save his money for what he needs.

Does it matter for what reason he's getting a job? Be proud he took the responsiblity to buy his own shit.


A perfectly valid reason to get a job. Whatever motivates him right?

How disappointing would it be for him to work hard, earn the money he needs for hardware and Overwatch, only for him to become a goddamn Bastion main.

your son is 24 and you're okay with him not working and living off you? you need to sit down with him and have a serious talk about where he plans on going in life; from what I've witnessed, he probably intends to mooch off you until the end

it's one thing to still be at home while attending college and shortly after while you save to get an apartment. but if you are lazy, not attending school, not looking for work, that is ridiculous. i left home at 18. i had a few hiccups along the way and had to move back home a few times, but strived to get out asap. i am currently 27 with a newborn. i have my own place, work, etc. However there have been a few times I've had to ask my dad for a loan to get through to my next paycheck or if he can pick up diapers/formula to get through. it's ok to accept help. a whole different thing to mooch

tapdancecolumbia 14

How on earth is it a bad thing that he decided to work for and earn something he wants??

Because he waited until he was 24 to get a job and is doing it to buy computer game stuff.


You are not alone, my sisters boyfriend and my brother have done the same thing. Yes, they are both dead beats. ugh

By the time he gets his much wanted hardware, I'm sure he'll set future goals with his job, like payments for his car for an example. I just think the PC is a motivation tool for him to take more responsibility. I doubt he'll quit his job once he gets the hardware

Axel5238 29

If it took the son that long to get a job to buy things he wants, I'm not hopeful in that being the final outcome. Even if the parent/parents had been helping their should be some pride in him to want to say I earned this and I got it 'cause I worked for it.

It took a very long time, yes, but it's a step in the right direction. I think it was just a little motivation tool that hopefully puts him in the path to adulthood

He has a lot of potential,just kick him out to set him in motion.

sounds like you give him too much, my parents stopping buying me games at 8, since then I've learned a ton of things about computers and fixing shit so I can have games to play, the moment I was old enough I got a job so I can buy games and consoles(obv saved a ton on the side since I don't shop anywhere else or go out), motivation is a good thing it eventually leads to bigger things don't look down on him because you can't find something to motivate him

Life doesn't really have a purpose...if he wants to play over watch until he dies stats his choice I guess