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By Angus - 17/09/2015 19:48 - France

Today, my son had a secret party. At first I was mad, then I had a complete and total Incredible Hulk meltdown when I realized that he had opened a bottle of very expensive whisky, originally bottled by my great great grandfather in Scotland, and used it as a mixer with fucking Pepsi. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 035
You deserved it 2 673

Same thing different taste

Top comments

As much as it won't replace the sentimental value in the slightest I would get him to pay for two or three times the value of the whiskey, and generally make his life hell for a while

Bright side, no jury in the world will convict when this goes to trial for murder.


Everyone knows that Pepsi is much too sweet to use as a mixer.

if he's old enough to party he's old enough to move out

So you just leave a bottle with such huge sentimental value exposed and also didn't inform your son that this bottle means the world to you? I'm sorry but this is your fault.

When a kid lives with his parent(s), they often know a fair amount about the house, such as where alcohol is kept. Do you suggest they keep the alcohol in a combination safe only they know the combo to? It's the kids fault, plain and simple. Doesn't matter if the parents taught them right, the kid decided to party and raid the alcohol without his parents permission. A party planned with permission by the parents may well have went like 'okay, don't break anything, and stay away from our old whiskey!' Or something like that. If this kid is old enough to party he is old enough to take responsibility for his dumbass actions

Wow I would love to be your kid. Breaking your shit whenever I want to on the off chance that you don't tell me that every single thing is important to you and getting away with it.

I would KILL him! Punish him hard, OP. Nothing will ever make up for that.

Your son is a ******* idiot, just reading this is infuriating, how old was the bottle?

On a guess I would say almost 300 years if not a little over that because he wrote "great great grandfather". If his son is a teen (which it sounds like to me) then the dad might be around 30-40 years of age. Assuming his great great grandfather lived to at least 80 and his great grandfather at least 80 and his grandfather at least 80 and his father at least 70-80....add sentimental value and that kid was old enough to know not to mess with that particular bottle. If not still is a bottle to be mourned.

On top of that he used Pepsi. Who the **** uses Pepsi with Whiskey? Someone who is just looking to get drunk and doesn't care about anything else. That is who.

I bet OP Cried blood instead of tears when he saw that whiskey bottle opened