By Anonymous - 23/08/2009 23:00 - United States

Today, my son hit my husband's shop-vac while pulling into the garage too fast. He was grounded for 3 days. Later, while trying to demonstrate how to park safely, I hit my husband in his happy sacks with the mirror. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 912
You deserved it 39 608

Same thing different taste

Top comments

conan6 0

YDI for using the phrase "happy sacks"

letitbe56 0

YDI for grounding your son for something that could have happened to anybody.


You either have a really short car, or a really tall husband. Maybe even both.

Why are there so many "you deserved it"? The husband should have moved out of the way, surely he should have being paying attention to where the car was going? And for the comments about you deserve it for grounding someone for that is also unfair. Speeding is an issue if you are learning or just learnt how to drive, maybe next time the son will think twice about speeding, especially in close quarters like a garage