By poppet2010 - 17/01/2010 15:58 - France

Today, my uncle died. It was also my grandpa's 85th birthday. His reaction to the death? "Best birthday gift ever!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 724
You deserved it 2 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xx_irish_rose_xx 0

wow thats really mean, i really hope the uncle that died wasnt HIS own son

WTF do the current events have to do with anything in people's families??? That's one of the dumbest things I've heard all week!! And who are you to judge and say the grandpa needs his arse kicked, much less by his grandson/granddaughter?? For all we know maybe the uncle was a total jerk who'd been a weight in the family all his life, hence the grandpa's feelings. He's too harsh maybe, but you expecting some young kid kicking some old guy is ridiculous. Think before you write idiocies.


daydreamstar 7

why was y comment voted down... Oo

Because you're so stupidly annoying that not even the other FML visitors can freaking stand you. At least there's some justice in this world, if they voted you down. >:D

mistershlong 0

daydreamerstar get a life you commented on this 5 or 6 times

And she only comments to say pointless stupid garbage too. Sure the comments in this site aren't exactly genius level or anything, but hers are stupid and annoying enough to infuriate the other people reading, so that's pretty sad.

And you've commented numerous times with the same message... Kind of like the pot calling the kettle black, hm? I agree with the points you brought up earlier, but there's no need to act like such a douchebag and troll another person (even if they may bring it upon themselves) and continue reiterating your facts. One post is enough to get your point across. e_e

#93 I didn't spam her or anyone at all. I merely repeated in a different comment a part of what I said in one of my other comments. I don't see how you view that as trolling, and the only possible explanation for you viewing that as posting "numerous times with the same message" is that you can't count past 1 or 2, or differentiate between the first comment and the second. Besides, since I have to point it out because you seem incapable to understand, the difference between the "pot and the kettle" lies in the fact that my comments at least make sense, and don't cause pain from the sheer imbecility of what is being said, unlike her comments... Not that this is any of your business anyway. I was just agreeing with someone who seems to feel the same way too, and you popped up to whine and defend a moron who irritates the community with her stupidity.

How about I dumb down my speech enough for you to understand? I agreed with your original point, but there's no need to bitch out someone just because, OMG, you don't like them. Make your point and then shut the **** up, seriously. You only need to comment once to make your point. No need to repeat yourself AT ALL. The same message more than once = unnecessary. Though I'll definitely ignore you after this, since you come across as an attention ***** with major self-esteem issues. :3 Since I don't think I simplified myself enough... TL;DR: You're a bitch. ^^

old people say irrational things when they are sad. when MY uncle died my grandmother kept going on about how at least she wouldn't have to clean his room anymore (he still lived with her). but afterwards she broke down and cried for hours nonstop.

That's so wrong that I don't know where to begin.

SumKid_fml 0

Wow... He must not be eating much fiber these days, explaining all the shit that's pent up in him.

That is amazing! O.o hahaha YDI for being sensitive about this! One day, you'll look back and laugh!

caits13 0

How is that F YOUR life? How does that effect you in anyway at all? Very sorry that your uncle died, but it isn't fyourlife at all.

i think its cleared that the grampa is happy that death didnt knocked on his door first. -hug for the OP-

sorry for your loss :( .. ur grand pa is mean tho!