By poppet2010 - 17/01/2010 15:58 - France

Today, my uncle died. It was also my grandpa's 85th birthday. His reaction to the death? "Best birthday gift ever!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 724
You deserved it 2 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xx_irish_rose_xx 0

wow thats really mean, i really hope the uncle that died wasnt HIS own son

WTF do the current events have to do with anything in people's families??? That's one of the dumbest things I've heard all week!! And who are you to judge and say the grandpa needs his arse kicked, much less by his grandson/granddaughter?? For all we know maybe the uncle was a total jerk who'd been a weight in the family all his life, hence the grandpa's feelings. He's too harsh maybe, but you expecting some young kid kicking some old guy is ridiculous. Think before you write idiocies.


Sorry for your uncle, but maybe your uncle and your grandpa had some really bad experience before and they never settled it. There's someone in my family I can't say I would be overly saddened by his death. That seemed extreme of your grandpa though, but its not F your life.

Nic_hole 0

yea you guys that's not funny to have a death in your family, this person was prolly close to his uncle, and yea maybe the uncle was rude and mean? but you still gotta love family, I'm sorry for your uncle

imthatguy13 0

sorry but your gpa is an ashhole

all freaking FML's that come out of France are fake as shit!!!! seriously ive seen like 200 comments all time coming from Nord-Pas-De-Calais, France, get a ******* like u frenchy, u have nothing better to do with ur time but come up with FML's, get a life!!!

lol it's where is stationed. If someone sends an FML from their phone, they can't put in their location and the default is Nord-Pas-De-Calais.

Omigod all of you people on this website need to learn how to stop having conversations on peoples FMLS. Its true that people post some stupid and fake FMLS but you people are just wasting your time, jost post a comment and move on. When people want to read the comments, they don't wanna read this crap.

yourefreakindumb 0

I don't get it. How does this have any affect on your life? Like, why is your life now "******"? You're ******* dumb.