By poppet2010 - 17/01/2010 15:58 - France

Today, my uncle died. It was also my grandpa's 85th birthday. His reaction to the death? "Best birthday gift ever!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 724
You deserved it 2 844

Same thing different taste

Top comments

xx_irish_rose_xx 0

wow thats really mean, i really hope the uncle that died wasnt HIS own son

WTF do the current events have to do with anything in people's families??? That's one of the dumbest things I've heard all week!! And who are you to judge and say the grandpa needs his arse kicked, much less by his grandson/granddaughter?? For all we know maybe the uncle was a total jerk who'd been a weight in the family all his life, hence the grandpa's feelings. He's too harsh maybe, but you expecting some young kid kicking some old guy is ridiculous. Think before you write idiocies.


Nord-pas-de-Calais! that doesn't help for their reputation..................

Nah... When you have kids, you will say its the best day of your life when they go die.

camsham86 0

The OP probably doesn't know the whole story, and perhaps the grandfather doesn't react well to stressful situations. I know I don't. Whenever there is a death or something tragic happening, I laugh because I react inappropriately. Perhaps that is the grandfather's way of dealing or perhaps there is some really bad blood. Quite honestly, if my child-molesting-welfare-pig-of-an-Aunt died on my birthday, I would be elated.

drezombiie 0

how is that fyl? your uncle doesn't have to live with his dick of a father anymore.

sk8ergirl553 0

it doesnt matter if the ur uncle was an annoyance, or how much ur grandpa hated him, your grandpa is a jerk. im so sorry to hear that though.;(

omigoshhhh...wut a bitch!! no offense or n e thing but thts sum rude shit rite there!!!