By jlmed - 02/06/2014 23:10 - Colombia - Cali

Today, my university considered it an "embarrassment" that I was going to be the first and only person to graduate from my engineering course, so they gave free passes to two guys who hadn't finished their thesis yet. They were congratulated in the newspaper; I wasn't. FML
I agree, your life sucks 61 805
You deserved it 3 959

jlmed tells us more.

OP here, since some are curious for updates here it is (I made an account for this!): Sadly there isn't "more to the story", the University wanted more people to graduate and those two guys were the closest to the finish line (aside from myself). I have tried to raise hell, but since this is a very "macho" country no one is willing to back me up. Everyone knows it happened though. The rich old guys who run the University and took the decision in the first place can't even be reached, the only people higher up are government workers who are, of course, all men who are friendly with the rich old guys. Matters like these aren't exactly "priority" even if I did manage to reach an honest person in the government. I'm afraid I'm forced to "get over it" and just move on. Still pissed though. So, I've decided to save up and move to a country where I have possibility of equal pay (another big issue here), so that's all I can tell you guys for now. Thank you SO MUCH for your good wishes and back-up, it's nice to finally see people express the same anger as me. Oh and I graduated in IT Engineering, focused on multimedia, for those who were wondering.

Top comments

And then when the recruiters ask about their theses, they'll struggle where you will not.


Sorry bro.. I know the feels. That really sucks tho.. What type of engineering major are you OP ???

Congrats to you for graduating and having your shit together! #2 is totally right though. Just be patient, everyone will get their dues, good, bad or otherwise.

Who in their right mind thinks the op deserves this?

I'm pretty sure there are some jackasses who just come on the site and vote YDI for every FML they can find. Also, if you're on a mobile device with a touch screen, it's pretty easy to hit the YDI button by mistake, and the only way to make up for it is voting FYL after, so the OP ultimately gets 1 vote towards both options.

i get it, they mean she deserves her diploma. friggin' noobs :-P

FrancesShiver 20

Karma is going to hit all of you, don't worry :)

They can't be bailed out forever. Where you have what it takes to succeed, they don't. Good on ya.

I would've said something. people tend to never wanna give credit where it is due.

kotake 7

1. i'd suggest writing (a letter or email) or even calling the newspaper and telling them of their mistake. Usually with n online article they update it, with an in-print article they will release a small message in the most recent issue stating they made an error or something like that. Usually happens with mix-ups. Don't say "they didn't complete their thesis" just strictly say "I also graduated the ph.d. program and wasn't mentioned..." 2. Like everyone here said, your thesis is finished. Stuff like this is kinda common (i.e. undergrads who have to take summer semester courses being able to walk with their friends at graduation being the most common example). You're ahead of them, only equal in name. Chances are their thesis are VERY near completion, I doubt your university would do this if they weren't 100% just have to type it up completed. Meanwhile you can start asking your professors, advisers, etc. for directions to open positions while they're stuck working on their thesis. Go get those opportunities while they're still slightly behind, take it as your reward for finishing on time. Early bird gets the worm, and then you get to relax while they scramble for your leftovers :P

She may be in a country where women aren't in the same standing as men. The paper or university (or both) may have purposely left her out of the paper.

RedPillSucks 31

But if she sends a discrete note to the accreditation board...

CONGRATS!!!! Keep your chin up -- you graduated and you actually know your stuff. You'll get there, you're already way ahead on your way :)

I wonder if the other students marks were so good that even if they failed their thesis they would've still got a passing grade. I find it hard to believe a university would risk their reputation by passing people that were failing. Of course I could be wrong, but I feel like there's more to this story.

When I got my master's degree, my program's graduation requirements were an accepted thesis as well as a 3.8 GPA. If the thesis I presented and argued hadn't been accepted, it wouldn't have affected my GPA, but I wouldn't have gotten my degree. Likewise, if I hadn't had a 3.8 GPA, but my thesis had been accepted, I wouldn't have gotten my degree. OP's case may be different (different field, different school, different country), but a thesis usually doesn't have any bearing on GPA and vice versa-- they are separate entities. I do agree that there must be more to the story, though. It does seem odd.

I agree with #28 Maybe there is something more to the story . I'm curious what it is.

Well the joke is on them because people who go through life expecting handouts never truly do that good for themselves.