By carnivore - 22/09/2009 21:48 - United States

Today, my vegetarian housemate cleaned the fridge. He threw away all of the meat in our fridge and made a nice sign stating "Meat is Murder". I was storing roughly $1000 worth of filet mignon steaks and seafood for my sister's wedding. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 631
You deserved it 5 911

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would kill your housemate and serve him at your sister's wedding.

I'm a vegetarian too, but that's just wrong. :o I understand when people eat meat, it's not like I can change them. But what your roommate did was going too far. -_- Oh, and tell him to stop supporting PETA. T_T


shouldn't have been storing it with a veggie really.. I wouldn't have done that but he has to eat out of the fridge too >.

YDI for living with a sissy who doesn't eat meat.

davek 36

Put meaty blood all over his food, all over his stuff, all over his bed.

Jessaly_fml 0

Meat is murder? And what, is taking what isn't yours and throwing it away not theft?

xcanisx 0

Hell yes! Go vegetable guy! Let me point out a few things 1.We kill hundreds of animals a year under the term 'over populated' yet there are billions of humans on the planet and only a couple hundred of some animal species. 2.We kill animals for sport and throw the meat away because we're a bunch of shitheads 3. We don't even really need meat to live 4. Livestock produces so many harmful gases that eating a vegan diet saves as much energy as driving a Prius 5. Who the hell keeps $1000 worth of meat for a wedding in their personal fridge? Hire a catering business for god sake! Not only that it's your SISTER'S meat, you shouold've just left her to deal with it.

It still doesn't give a person the right to throw it away. The animal therefore died for nothing and we're killing more animals because of that vegetarian. Face it, that guy ****** up and is making you guys/gals look idiotic.

In reply to 1- are you implying we should start eating people? Oh, I have an idea. How about the bastards with life sentences in prison ... frees up the legal system a bit. 2 - you do personally or are you throwing out a general statement there? I hunt for sport. Well not really sport, just for fun. But we keep the meat and eat it. 4 - Prius SUCK. 5 - perhaps they couldn't afford one. And it's called doing something nice for your sibling.

Stalker191 0

Really, I don't see how throwing away meat helps his cause at all. Since that meat is gone, he'd have to go out and buy more, therefore the store would have X less meat and have to buy X more from the slaughter house, who'd in return have to kill X more piggies/cows. All in all it seems like a lose lose situation to me.

not eating meat shrinks your brain, proven by science

MOOT_fml 0

Solution: Kill him. then eat him. Then write on his grave "your right, meat is murder."