By wow - 08/11/2010 18:23 - United States

Today, my virgin girlfriend who wanted to lose her virginity to me got on Google, and quizzed me on how to properly put on a condom. She doesn't trust me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 159
You deserved it 8 913

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Froley 0

Just because she wants to make sure she's safe and you know what you're doing, you think she doesn't trust you? Be happy that she trusts you enough to take her virginity. YDI.


it's ok, meatheads aren't supposed to think.

patiencek 0

the only thing that would be a fml is if you failed the quiz...

this is not an fml. unless you really meant "I'm too prideful to realize my girlfriend is just being safe, not insulting my intelligence, and I really shouldn't be complaining anyway because my girl trusts me enough to give up her virginity to me." if so, yeah, FYL. but hey man, hope it's enjoyable for both of you.

if she doesn't trust you with that, then let her do it :)

My fiancé and I have been having sex for almost a year now and I still don't trust myself to put the condom on myself. I'd say trust the guy with experience but make sure he actually DOES have the experience he's claiming. That's basically what I did.

stewpididiot 11

well, it's prolly not even gonna stay on til you get to be about 13 or 14 so what's the point? stick to your hand little man.

voveraite 7

Hang on, not that she's not smart, but were I in her shoes, there is the easy route of using her two hands, this way nothing goes wrong, if she's sure she learned her lesson well.

faneeza 0

wow she shuddnt trust yu if u think it's weird

What's the problem? She just wants to make sure that she doesn't get pregnant.

I just imagine him sitting there, cursing under his breath going "Why doesn't she trust me? Of course I know how to do this, I took Sex-Ed classes!'. All the while struggling to get the condom on over a banana.