By InTheDoghouse23 - 24/08/2009 21:25 - United States

Today, my wife and I had another couple over. My wife was beside me while we all talked in the kitchen. I turned to put something in the fridge, and the other couple went into the next room. Turning back, I groped my wife's breasts playfully. She screamed and slapped me. It wasn't my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 854
You deserved it 59 351

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Squadoosh 0

How do you not realize it wasn't your wife? Unless you just spun quickly and grabbed the first boob you saw.

fmlfmlfml15 0

Lesson learned: Look before you grope


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moonlight_daze 8

Hickory Dickory Dock... you're freaking stupid. YDI.

Wait so, your wife went into a room with the other guy AND you groped the wrong chick? Damn, FYL.

sexymessy 0

LOL that's what I was thinking!

Rofl #20 I thought you said chicken.

justanotheruser 0

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moonlight_daze 8
tonyDlolli 0

yeah agreed women are clearly supperior... at cooking and cleaning

excuse me?! cooking and cleaning? hmm, okay, it'll be funny until your future companion hears you say that, then you'll be alone having nothing to eat but the crap you're living in. then guess whose going to be laughing?

**** you you sexist people. everyone is equal excpet for the fact that we can keep this species alive while all you think about is meat and sex. oh and also girls cando anything you can do, better, in heels.

and we're not questioning why ops wife went off with the other guy to another room.... mhm....

thelonelylurker 0

Hahah, they won't come over anymore.

Octiskeet 0

Aaaaand you didn't notice this lady was most likely wearing a shirt/dress an entirely different color than your wife's clothing? YDI.

Were you just staring at her boobs all the way? How could you not recognize your wife's boobies? Next time when you're getting down on it, make sure you have the lights on.