By InTheDoghouse23 - 24/08/2009 21:25 - United States

Today, my wife and I had another couple over. My wife was beside me while we all talked in the kitchen. I turned to put something in the fridge, and the other couple went into the next room. Turning back, I groped my wife's breasts playfully. She screamed and slapped me. It wasn't my wife. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 854
You deserved it 59 352

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Squadoosh 0

How do you not realize it wasn't your wife? Unless you just spun quickly and grabbed the first boob you saw.

fmlfmlfml15 0

Lesson learned: Look before you grope


rentmefor1day 0

me love u long time!!-----first------------

tony8pie 0

Sooooo romantic... How did you know that women like to be groped when there are guests in the next room?

teach09 0

It can make things a bit more exciting ;-)

Yep, every woman likes to have her breasts squeezed black and blue out of nowhere while guests are over. Oh well, his wife is probably screwing that woman's husband.

My man gropes my boobs often enough - I really don't care, as long as it's still playfull!

bahahahahahahahha sure it was an accident.

well what i wanna know is what was your wife and the other guy doing in the other room??? hmm?

metalhead1 0

lol that sucks what did her husband say

haha, you deserved it. your wife is not a tool. Well not when guests are over.

iShine 0

Lol I like how you say you groped your wife like that's normal to do when you have guests over. YDI.

#4 fails. "probably the last time youll touch another pair in your marriage." "I don't see an FML..." There's your FML right there. Sheesh.