By Weezylover - 26/05/2009 08:24 - United Kingdom

Today, my wife and I watched a documentary film about a kid living with severe asthma. In one scene, the kid has a severe asthma attack, and is rushed to hospital. My wife started laughing hysterically at this and after apologising, goes "it's just he sounded exactly like you in bed." FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 757
You deserved it 7 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im a big fan of people who write first when they weren't even first haha good work #2

wow #2 go to hell we can all see that your NOT 1st... and even if you were no one gives a ****. hahahahhahahaha YDI for climaxing like an asthma attack


ZiggyMorrison 0

NOT FIRST! if you wanna shut her up stick your **** in her mouth

Bwahaha, the OP's name is perfect. Do you really like Lil' Wayne, or is that what you call your wife?

xxguitarfreakxx 0

you know, i think full grown men that make asthma sounding noises are extreeeemely sexy ;) hahaha call me @2. fail

darkblue_13 0

well heavy breathing is pretty hot.... is that the kind of noises you mean?

fretforyerlatte 0

15, i'm guessing it's more like wheezing. hahhaha.

Next time she mutes the TV, start laughing and explain that it sounds like her in bed. Wait... that's not right.

poolshark 0

Maybe *wheeze* you should *wheeze* try using *wheeze* an inhaler *wheeze* before vigorous activity. There's nothing hotter than adding a few inhaler puffs to foreplay...

That's something you'll never forget. Don't go trying to prove anything now; you'll def look stupid!