By Weezylover - 26/05/2009 08:24 - United Kingdom

Today, my wife and I watched a documentary film about a kid living with severe asthma. In one scene, the kid has a severe asthma attack, and is rushed to hospital. My wife started laughing hysterically at this and after apologising, goes "it's just he sounded exactly like you in bed." FML
I agree, your life sucks 70 757
You deserved it 7 992

Same thing different taste

Top comments

im a big fan of people who write first when they weren't even first haha good work #2

wow #2 go to hell we can all see that your NOT 1st... and even if you were no one gives a ****. hahahahhahahaha YDI for climaxing like an asthma attack


lolol, this made my night. pretty messed up on your wife's part, but hilarious. FYL.

john2530 0

Can't say your wife doesn't have a sense of humuor! Thanks for the laugh!

Haha that's kind of funny, but fyl for having an insensitive wife.

that's something I'd say to my sweety [= jokingly, of course. all in fun.

OH DEAR GAWD I laughed so hard, I think I herniated my diaphragm.

#7 call his wife insensitive. I say that bitch has a sense of humor!

technobutterfly 0

#13, He's not talking about Lil' Wayne in his account name...

Islander_fml 5

Funny as hell in so many ways!