By possibly fucked - 22/06/2014 20:34 - Portugal - Lisbon

Today, my wife bought a strap-on. I'm about fifty miles beyond terrified. FML
I agree, your life sucks 66 890
You deserved it 9 548

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Sounds like a real pain in the ass.

Time to strap-on your seatbelt and drive far, far away..


1known_fml 8

Have you ever tried anal with her on her? Or even just asked her for it? If yes, it's only fair she tries it on you too. And as someone said above, who knows you might enjoy it! And enjoying it won't make you gay either. A sexual position has nothing to do with what you are.

From now on, u sleep with one eye open n one asshole shut

token_blackguy 18

Sleep on your back, on the couch, in your own place.

It's actually a lot of fun, op. But I was into it to begin with :p

you will enjoy it. Barnes and Nobel has several books for biggners in this area. and if something she really wants and you are iffy about pull a tut for tat. you get her rear she gets yours win win.

mrwinky 2

She should give him what he gives her. Something the size of his own dick . Get what you give buddy.

Que the "don't drop the soap" comments

hey get used to that terror it's about to get weird